M.sc:2:Mind calculator:

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If you are a student then you may experienced the deficiency of time during exam by using old methods for calculation which take more time. By using old methods there might be silly mistakes which may caused you the marks. So use these methods this may save your mark aswell as your time.
¤.multiplication of a number by 9:
Multiply the number by 10 and subtract the number. Ex: 965*9 => [965*10]-965=>9585.{use the same method to multiply a number by 11 but instead of subtracting the number add number}
¤.If you want to to take the square of a number greater than 10. Then split the number into two part then make the square. Ex: 17square=>(10+7)square[then use (a+b)square formulae] = 100+140+49=289.
¤.Use formulaes.Yes formulaes are the backbone of our studies so in the exams you must try to use formulae as possible as you can so you can shortern the answer and save your time.
By using these tricks you can definetly save your time in exam. For more tricks keep reading m.sc article of ozwana